What does Mrs. Morningstar say that Sancho and Bolsa couldn't find in a porta-potty? Toilet paper A polar bear An elephant (2024)

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    What does Mrs. Morningstar say that Sancho and Bolsa couldn't find in a porta-potty?
Toilet paper
A polar bear
An elephant (2024)


    What does Mrs. Morningstar say that Sancho and Bolsa couldn't find a porta potty? ›

    Final answer:

    Morningstar's statement about what Sancho and Bolsa couldn't find in a porta-potty. With the options of toilet paper, a polar bear, or an elephant, the inferred answer based on context and logic would be toilet paper, as it's commonly found in porta-potties and the absence of it would be noteworthy.

    What building does Mrs. Morningstar refer to as the White House William's school the building in Washington DC Travel Agency? ›

    Answer: William's school. "No, not the White House. If he worked at the White House, we could afford to hire a real detective to find him.

    What does Mrs. Morningstar say William works? ›

    Mrs. Morningstar mentions that William works at the post office, revealing this detail during her conversation with another character. This dialogue adds context to William's occupation and provides insight into his daily life.

    What is Sancho and Bolsa? ›

    Sancho is Bolsa's partner. Bolsa is a detective and at the beginning of the story they are working together in a case about a missing man.

    What do Sancho and Bolsa find in William's locker? ›

    a letter.

    Who has a broken arm bolsa Sancho? ›

    During the different conversations that Sancho and Bolsa have, while investigating the whereabouts of William Morningstar, Sancho tells Bolsa that he has a broken arm, something that seems incredible to Bolsa, since Sancho is a very big man, which is difficult to think that you can break a bone.

    What does Mrs. Morningstar think Sancho wants to do? ›

    Expert-Verified Answer

    Sancho, according to Mrs. Morningstar, wants to c. devour her.

    What does Bolsa ask Sancho to stop doing? ›

    In Chapter 45 of the second part of the novel, Bolsa asks Sancho to stop governing the island and to return to his master, Don Quixote, in order to assist him on new adventures. Sancho Panza had been appointed as the temporary governor of the fictional island of Barataria by a set of comical circ*mstances.

    Which word does not belong to Sancho and Bolsa? ›

    Expert-Verified Answer

    The '' odd one'' in this row would be bag, la bolsa. This is because casa, puerta and ventana are parts of each house. They all have one more thing in common -- along with bolsa, they're all feminine nouns, and they're singular.

    Why does Bolsa think the waitress is guilty? ›

    she knows where William is. she says she cut him.

    Who found out that the waitress knew William Bolsa Sancho Mrs. Morningstar? ›

    Further Explanation:

    The waitress named Robin came to get their order and it was Sancho who asked if she knew William. She proceeded to tell the men how she knew William and where he may be hiding out.

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    Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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    Author information

    Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

    Birthday: 1997-10-17

    Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

    Phone: +3571527672278

    Job: Manufacturing Agent

    Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

    Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.