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ReviewsReviewer: Roy Cobb - favoritefavoritefavorite - April 18, 2017
Subject: Classic Tarzan Movies
There are people now a days who don`t appreciate classic black and white movies from the 30`s, 40`s, and 50`s. I am from that era, where I have seen many changes in film these last 63 years. The old black and white picture tube, box TV`s. People today are very spoiled with the technology they have and I would watch a B/W movie over a color movie any day.
Reviewer: Spuzz - favoritefavorite - September 20, 2013
Subject: Not the vine you're looking for
Somewhat lame Tarzan adventure here, from the standards I've been expecting of these series. Tarzan is more of a wimp here, fully laundered and civilized, and helping white man steal from the natives (until other "bad guys" get their hands on it). There are far superior Tarzans than this.
Reviewer: efrom - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - January 29, 2009
Subject: Nice memories from childhood!
It was wonderful to find this movie I hadn't watched since I was 12 or 13! Now I'm fifty, and at that time I didn't realized about those african animals in Guatemala! However, the feelings I experienced were almost the same like those then since I'm another Tarzan's fan!
Thank you for sharing it!
Reviewer: matt1900 - favoritefavoritefavorite - October 12, 2008
Subject: entertaining
I really enjoyed this movie. I thought that it was a pretty good adventure movie. Kind of film for the whole family. The scenes near the end when the ship was caught in the storm was exciting.
Reviewer: Shadows_Girl - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 6, 2006
Subject: Tarzan as Burroughs Wrote Him
This and "The New Adventures of Tarzan" present the Ape-Man to us as Burroughs saw him. As opposed to the inarticulate grunting dim-wit presented to us by Hollywood. It worked, apparently, because the actors who followed Weismuller and Crabbe began to speak with increasing fluency. I would suggest that those wishing to watch these films first familiarize themselves with the radio series from 1931 through the 1934 season as Burroughs was connected with these as well. In fact, James Pierce, a former star football player, who plays Tarzan in the early shows and in the silent film TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION (1927) was married to his radio "Jane" who was Burroughs' daughter Joan.
ANYWAY, Herman Brix did pretty well presenting the Apeman as Burroughs saw him. He must have since Burroughs used him twice. This film, incidentally, is the 1938 sequel to THE NEW ADVENTURES OF TARZAN from 1935.
About the footage of African animals...this practice was common back in the day...most audiences never even noticed...they expected "exotic animals and locales" from adventure films and they got them.
One last thing: "The Victory Cry of the Bull Ape" as given here sounds strange to our ears (we're more used to Weismuller's version)but,
again, as one who was a fan of the books long before she saw ANY of the movies) I can tell you that Tarzan is NOT saying "Im a monkey" as an earlier reviewer thought. What he is screaming is "Ah Mangani". The Mangani are the great-apes in the language of Burroughs' books. Tarzan is a Tarmangani or "Great White Ape" Manu means "monkey" incidentally.
Are these two the best Tarzan films ever made? Not really. But they aren't the worst, either. If you're into Tarzan they're worth adding to your collection.
Reviewer: b11761500s - favoritefavoritefavorite - March 4, 2006
Subject: Mixed thoughts
Someone could not figure out that Guatemala is not in Africa (senorita, si senor, Jose, Mayan tribe) with lots of animal footage of African animals (rhinos, giraffes, elephants), not to mention Tarzan's African roots. But, once past those dichotomies the film plods to its merciful end. Worth watching for historical value I suppose. It was a bit disconcerting to see the invincible Tarzan being subdued 5 or 6 times by various bad guys while using his bare hands to dispatch a lion and leopard. No human was killed or injured as a result of his exploits either.
Reviewer: Big_Jake - favoritefavorite - March 4, 2006
Subject: Whoever made the film should be embarrassed
If Burroughs had something to do with this movie I find it amazing. This movie, other than the fight scenes, is absolutely stupid. I cringed at the "victory cry of a bull ape" of this pathetic version of Tarzan. Be forewarned that it sounds exactly like he screams "I'm a monkey" with a high-pitched, girlie, Xena Warrior Princess "EEEE" on the end. Also the geography is so screwed up in this movie it wasn't even funny. It's South American locales and people but the animals are African. And then as to the matter of Tarzan in his English lord role--they call him that, they show his estate, but he himself dresses like a Hungarian gypsy. Pathetic version of Tarzan. Movie should not have been made. As a curiosity item I'll give it 2 stars; it doesn't deserve anything else.
Reviewer: taxirct - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 3, 2005
Subject: the ape man cometh
Yeah this film takes you back to the innocence of childhood. I remember watching these things on Saturday morning TV and they don't dissapoint even all these years later. Historically they are of great value but as entertainment they are priceless.,
Reviewer: Lokasson - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - June 24, 2005
Subject: hey, Its Tarzan!
Need I say more? Tarzan is an icon for many generations from its beginnings to the present. How many other movies can say the same thing? So the movie is cheesy. So the acting isnt great. Does it realy matter? Did you think it sucked when you were a kid watching these for the first time? I am a 3rd generation Tarzan watcher, and even at 33 years old, I still love watching all these old movies that my dad and HIS dad used to watch. And So I will watch these with my kids/Nieces/Nefews...and With any luck, they too will watch them with theirs.
Reviewer: RWardMI - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 10, 2004
Subject: The REAL Tarzan...part 2
Along with 'The New Adventures of Tarzan', this the 2nd feature compilation from a multi-part serial feature from 1932.
This production was produced by Tarzan creator, E.R. Burroughs, to portray his original concept of Tarzan for the movies.
Unlike Hollywood's version of his creation, Burroughs wanted his Tarzan shown as he was in his novels: refined English Lord balancing his savage upbringing. These features are the only ones where he is adressed as 'Lord graystoke' and show Graystoke's English estates.
Filmed on location in Guatamala, the production and acting are primitive by today's standards. Comedy relief is thrown in for filler. But, check out the awesome fight between Tarzan and the warriors of Opar; this Tarzan kicks butt!
So, sit back and enjoy a realistic portrayal of Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, as he was meant to be.
Reviewer: Burt Masterson - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 20, 2004
Subject: Great Picture
Everyone should see this one. Well acted and directed, with a hero that all men can associate with, and regret that they cannot emulate. Women will admire the leading man, and the other "man in their life" will suffer in comparison. An adventure to be remembered long after the picture has ended.
Reviewer: Bangkok Ajarn - favorite - July 30, 2004
Subject: Can't recommend
I can't recommend this one. The story of this low budget epic is ludicrous and poorly explained. The acting, dialogue and photography aren't much either, but they aren't bad enough to have any real camp value. The ladies might enjoy seeing the near naked Tarzan, if they enjoy the sight of a pre-steroid era muscleman flexing and posing, but the rest of us will probably be unimpressed.